Creative Director | Brand Identity / Design specialist

DD Shanghai had the pleasure to team up with JD.com, one of the largest e-commerce company in China, to help craft a promo video for a series of 3 canvas bags that JD & Kusama collaborated. We follow the red dot that symbolized JD on a journey through a carefully designed Kusama inspired art journey. One of the the biggest challenge during the process is that we are not allowed to use any of her artwork or pattern, therefore we had to come up with various creative solution to pay tribute to her without actually using her creation. We hope you enjoy this journey with us!
ROLE: Director / Designer

Client: 京东 JD.com
Agency: 蓝色光标 BlueFocus
Production: 数字王国 Digital Domain
Director & Creative Director
许涵怡 / Helen Hsu
Executive Producer: 曾启福 / Chifu Tseng
Producer: 王琦悱 / Devin Wong
Motion Lead: 董照展 / Donerzozo
Motion Designers: 黄思杰 / Evan Huang | Hai Le | 陈雯 / Wen Chen
Music by Pablo Salgado